* This page will be updated shortly.
The following is a list of Jessica Levinson's articles on KCET.org. You can also find her biography on the KCET.org and a list of posts by clicking here.
- State Lawmakers Passed a Budget, but Where are the Republicans
- L.A. City Districts Poised to Change, but Not Without Some Drama
- The Lessons of the June 5, 2012 Primary Election
- Meeting Jackie Lacey and Musings On the American Dream
- Happy (Almost) Election Day, California
- Money in Politics: Good Government Reforms Cost Money
- Judicial Elections: Bad for Judges, Bad for the Public
- Springsteen Concert: Suite Seats for a Sweet Price -- For Gov't Commissioners
- What is in a Ballot Designation?
- Was Occupy Los Angeles Worth the Money?
- Another Obamajam? The President Heads to the Valley
- Congressman Brad Sherman Could be a Savvy Financial Advisor
- L.A. Mayor Villaraigosa: The Next U.S. Secretary of Transportation?
- Campaign Contributions: What Are They Good For?
- Saving L.A.'s City Budget: More Taxes or Bankruptcy?
- The City of Angels: Where are the Women in L.A. Government?
- There's a Lack of Good (Political) News in Los Angeles
- Would Adding More Politicians to the City Council Help Los Angeles?
- The City of Bell: The Never-Ending Scandal
- More Latino Representation in Compton?
- Dear New Residents of L.A.: Please Participate
- You Can Thank the Supreme Court for 'Obamajams'
- Prop 8 Decision Reads Like a Letter to Justice Kennedy
- Republicans: No Need for Tax Increases with Facebook's IPO
- Prop 14 Could Change How San Fernando Valley Congressional Race Plays Out
- California Supreme Court Strikes a Blow to Republicans in 2012 Races
- The Political Blood Sport Known as Redistricting Comes to L.A.
- Ballot Initiatives Have Harmed California
- Is Governor Brown California Dreaming in Los Angeles?
- The Fair Political Practices Commission v. the U.S. Postal Service
- Will Redevelopment Continue in Los Angeles?
- Plenty of Money to go around in 2012? With Super PACs, it Looks Like It
- Redistricting: Should Valley Districts Completely Stay within the Valley
- 2012: The Year We Bid Adieu to Redevelopment Agencies
- What is Next for Occupy L.A.?
- How Will the Political Landscape Change in California in 2012?
- Occupy L.A.: Was It Worth It?
- Think Lobbyists Cannot Give Campaign Donations to California Politicians? Think Again.
- The Housing Authority Gives Nothing But Disappointment
- Which State Senate Maps Will Show the Way?
- A Small Victory for the Public: The Assembly Must Disclose Lawmakers' Budget Records
- Whether Occupy L.A. Succeeds or Fails, Civic Engagement Is Alive and Well
- The Long and Winding Road to Redistricting Reform
- Will There Be A New Public Relations Strategy for the L.A. City Council Redistricting Commission?
- Time to Reform Gift Regulations
- Will Charges Against former Bell City Council Members Be Dropped?
- What if Apple Ran California?
- Government Reforms for the Scandal-Plagued City of Vernon
- State Senators Dine on Our Dime While Cutting the State's Budget
- New Public Financing Program Implemented in District 15 Race
- Will California's Newly Drawn Senate Maps Stand?
- Obamajam: Is Fundraising During a Los Angeles Rush Hour Essential?
- Contributors to 'Yes on Proposition 8' Are Not Exempt from Disclosure Laws
- New Murals for Los Angeles?
- California to Allow Political Contributions via Text Message
- Villaraigosa Donor Found Guilty of Money Laundering
- Gov. Brown Says We Will Only Vote on Initiatives & Referendum in November Elections
- Should Los Angeles Get Rid of the Business Tax?
- Newly Drawn Congressional Districts Under Fire
- A New Redistricting Plan for Los Angeles County
- Can Californians Gamble Their Way Out of the Budget Deficit?
- Street Art: Benefit or Detriment?
- What Will Become of California's Newly Drawn State Senate Districts?
- Three Cheers for the Expo Line!
- Should We Limit How Often We Can Vote on Ballot Initiatives?
- Tax Credits for Hollywood?
- Should Governor Brown Sign the Online Voter Registration Bill?
- If You Get A Dreaded Red Light Ticket, Do You Have to Pay?
- Republicans Target California's Independent Redistricting Commission
- Dear California Lawmakers: Time to Disclose Your Budgets and Expenditures
- How Much Does it Cost to be Mayor of Los Angeles?
- Dear Californians, You Don't Matter
- Redistricting, Round Two: Drawing Local Legislative Lines
- Do Californians Have the Right to See the Current Budgets and Expenditures of their Lawmakers?
- Legal Defense Funds: An Ethical Dilemma?
- Re-Drawing California's Political Landscape
- What if Carmageddon was Electoralypse?
- Carmageddon: A Worthless Ordeal?
- In Honor of July 4th, Let's Go Unicameral?
- Carmageddon: Coming to a Theater Near You
- Governor Jerry Brown: Unpredictably Consistent When It Comes to the Budget
- California's Budget Comes Down to Four Votes
- Should Lawmakers Go Without Pay?
- Poll: California Voters Want A Say in Budget Decisions
- California Legislators Want Their Gifts
- How Did a Conservative Finish as One of Top-Two Vote-Getters in the Liberal 36th Congressional District?
- Bringing the Budget Crisis Home: Will Fire Safety Go Up in Flames?
- When it Comes to Presidential Politics, Does California Even Matter?
- San Bernardino County Ethics 'Advocate' Charged in Criminal Corruption Case
- What Are Californians Thinking? Tax the Rich, Educate the Kids.
- Q & A: What is the State of California's Budget?
- A Rundown of Legislators Taking Californians for a Ride (And Getting into Crashes)
- How Will a Federal Government Shutdown Affect Californians?
- Brown Faces Few Options After Breakdown of Budget Negotiations
- When it Comes to California's Budget, Who Will Take The Initiative?
- Did the State GOP Create a Workaround to the New Open Primary Election System?
- California Budget in Crisis: Lawmakers Pass Spending Cuts, No Agreement on Tax Extensions
- Redistricting 2011: Californians, are You Ready for a Political Shakeup?
- L.A. Election Recap: Low Voter Turnout, Incumbents Stay Put, Most Measures Pass
- Los Angeles City Ballot Measure Roundup
- Congratulations on your victory Oscar winners/newly-elected officials, it's time to start running again
- Maxed out on your campaign contributions? No problem, sort of, most of the time
- In Honor of Valentines Day: Dear Ted Lieu, You're Making My Boyfriend Jealous
- I am a monkey, and other ballot designations
- No More Love Letters from the Legislature: A California Court Tells the Legislature to Stop Writing Official Ballot Measure Language
- How Special Will the February 15th Elections Really be?
- Governor Schwarzenegger's Controversial Last Act
- Welcome Governor Brown, Best Wishes Justice Moreno
- Ms. Bass and Mr. Denham Go to Washington, Alone
- And Now, a Word from the California Supreme Court